eavesdropping CIO is a registered charity. We rely on a wide array of people and organisations to deliver our activities, to plan for the future with confidence and to continue our mission of gentle disruption. There are all sorts of ways to support our work:
Come to a gig
Bring a friend to a gig
Spread the word!
We always want a full house for our events. A hearty crowd means good ticket sales (which is crucial income) but it also proves that there's a buzz around what we're doing.
Give regularly, and join the eavesdropping consortium
Send us a one-off gift or join our consortium of anonymous patrons by setting up a recurring donation. We know that money is tight for many folk at the moment, and you may feel that what you can afford to spare is a mere drop in the ocean, but every donation is equally important to us: ripples really do make waves.
Give your time
Host an artist
Hold a fundraiser
This kind of in-kind support is incredibly valuable to small arts organisations. Can you offer time or a skill that you think we might need? Do you have a spare room in London you could share with a visiting artist during the festival, reducing our hotel expenses? Perhaps you are living in a stately home with an empty East wing and Aunt Esme's lovely old Bechstein, perfect for a creative retreat… Or maybe you fancy putting a marathon in your diary and running those charitable miles for us?
There are so many ways to be part of the eavesdropping community. If you want to support us, do please contact Juliet to begin a conversation.
As a registered charity, eavesdropping CIO is enrolled with PayPal's Giving Fund. This allows you to donate easily: just click on the Donate button below and you'll be redirected.
PayPal Giving Fund passes on 100% of donations it collects, and charges us no fees. PayPal should email you a donation receipt with a link to add Gift Aid. This is very important: GIFT AID IS GOLD. If you're a UK tax payer, a Gift Aid declaration allows us to claim an extra 20% on your donation from HMRC.
Splash some cash; join the consortium. Welcome to the family!